The Principals To Advance Toronto:
Answering To Why My Campaign is Different & Unique
Jeffery Tunney’s Letter to Toronto
Hi, my name is Jeffery Tunney and many people in this city feel that I would be the best mayor to come forward for the City of Toronto. Many election campaigns in Toronto have consisted of telling people what many of the voters want to hear during the race. During the race there is much inspiration that attracts voters. There are always repeated statements being told and told again that citizens of Toronto have heard all before. Voters will be told during the race that the City of Toronto will function and cannot operate unless those other candidates win the election.
The truth is people can expect from all other candidates that the same ole broken promises will happen again if they are elected in. People can expect that citizens of Toronto will be left out of the conversation or isolated from being a part of or knowing the city’s budget and what these candidates want taxpayers to pay for and chances are, the taxpayers will not be informed about any decisions being made. It comes with a guarantee that electing any of the other candidates to become Mayor of Toronto that the city and its communities will result in staying the same ole way. The same ole ways consists of citizens of Toronto being disappointed to how they are treated and the services that Toronto provides or does not provide.
The heart of the matter is the other candidates really have no clear plan or factual ideas that they know will work for sure.
This is why I am so happy to present a platform for progress that will improve Toronto and that is why my campaign is far different and unique compared to all the other candidates for the race to be Mayor in 2023. My platform comes with ideas to greatly reduce the amount of violence that is happening in the Metropolitan Toronto area, to tackle the Addiction and Mental Health issues, better affordable way of living and improving on how the city organizes its priorities. By allowing me to be Mayor of the Greater Toronto Area, people will have rights to make their own choices. As a citizen of Toronto I have always been on the voter’s side, that is, I don’t like being lied to you and neither do you. This is why many will agree as a mayor will be far different and unique compared to all mayors in the past and the other candidates that want to become mayor. By becoming mayor, I am committed to this plan, that is, to win people over and have people’s confidence and trust in me so I will be a successful Mayor of Toronto starting June 26, 2023.